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Los Angeles Rat Exterminators

Westside L.A. | San Fernando Valley | South Bay | Pasadena

California Pest Control License #PR6427
Fully Insured & Bonded
40+ Years Rat Proofing Structures


California Oakworm in Coastal California

California Oakworm in Coastal California

It can be extremely unsettling to see your healthy live oak trees suddenly stripped of all their leaves. When this happens, the culprit is often the California oakworm. Because the oakworm is a generally beneficial native species, it can be hard to tell when you need...

Citrus Pests

Citrus Pests

The citrus industry is huge here in California. Oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits are commonly grown as cash crops among small community farmers. This is vital to be cognizant of the potential dangers to these crops. We’re covering a few of the citrus...

Summer Pests in California

Summer Pests in California

Summer means barbeques, vacation and plenty of time to spend with family and friends. However, it also means summer pests. This is the time of year when even those who never see pests will see an influx of bugs and other bothersome creatures. Here in California, we...

Pest of the Month: The Mosquito

Pest of the Month: The Mosquito

Mosquitoes are probably the world's most significant pest to humans, both as an economic detriment to businesses and to people. The primary reason for this is their potential for spreading diseases, although their biting behavior is also a nuisance by itself. Mosquito...

Pest of the Month: Black Rat

Pest of the Month: Black Rat

There are any number of pests, both of the rodent and insect variety that cause problems for California home and business owners. However, one of the most notable is the black rat--which is why we chose this creature for our “pest of the month" and share interesting...