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Los Angeles Rat Exterminators

Westside L.A. | San Fernando Valley | South Bay | Pasadena

California Pest Control License #PR6427
Fully Insured & Bonded
40+ Years Rat Proofing Structures


Bug Burger, Anyone? Putting Edible Insects on the Menu

Bug Burger, Anyone? Putting Edible Insects on the Menu

Dealing with pests of all kinds is something humanity's been struggling with since we decided we didn't want to share our caves with the creepy-crawlies around us. And as pest control professionals, we're accustomed to helping folks solve their pest problems with good...

Clearing the Air: Cockroaches and Asthma

Clearing the Air: Cockroaches and Asthma

It has been found that cockroaches can cause asthma when not treated and eliminated from the home. Dirt. Decay. Disease. These are the words that spring to mind when most folks encounter one of the cockroach species that infest not only California, but our nation and...

DIY Spotlight: Pets Vs Pests

DIY Spotlight: Pets Vs Pests

The world of DIY Pest Control is full of tips and tricks—some genuinely useful, others not so much—and one of the most time-honored traditions in keeping rats and mice away from the family farmstead or home is getting a cat. Like their larger cousins, house cats are...

Keep Your Wood Pile Pest-Free

Keep Your Wood Pile Pest-Free

With summer slowly fading and autumn just around the corner, many Californians will be enjoying bonfires, campfires, and cozy fireplace blazes as the seasons change. But before you tear the tarp off your stash of cedar or reach for a plank of pine, take a moment to...

DNA and Deception: The Future of Pest Control

DNA and Deception: The Future of Pest Control

Whether it's a cloud of mosquitoes swarming through your neighborhood, an infestation of roaches, or a gaggle of assorted garden-loving pests, most homeowners have had to deal with insect invasions from time to time. And with the help of pest control experts, most...

Why Do I Have Rats in My Home?

Why Do I Have Rats in My Home?

Living in the Los Angeles area is great. The weather is good, most of the time. It’s near the beach and million-dollar homes, and we're surrounded by lush landscapes and gardens everywhere. All this awesomeness is ideal for humans; but, even better for wildlife and...