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Los Angeles Rat Exterminators

Westside L.A. | San Fernando Valley | South Bay | Pasadena

California Pest Control License #PR6427
Fully Insured & Bonded
40+ Years Rat Proofing Structures


Health Risks of Rat Infestations

Health Risks of Rat Infestations

Rat infestations are a common problem in urban and rural areas alike. These rodents are known to carry a variety of diseases that can be transmitted to humans, including hantavirus, leptospirosis, salmonella, and rat-bite fever. In addition to spreading diseases, rats...

5 Reasons to Hire a Rat Exterminator in Los Angeles

5 Reasons to Hire a Rat Exterminator in Los Angeles

Rats are one of nature’s most enduring, dangerous, and costly pests. With teeth that never stop growing, rats and mice must constantly chew or gnaw on food or other materials to keep them in good shape. For the homeowner with an infestation, this means damage to their...

Why DIY Rat Control is a Bad Idea

If you’re facing a rat infestation, you may have considered eliminating this issue yourself. Whether it’s your confidence or a story from someone you know where DIY rat control went well, there are several reasons why someone might think that this is a good idea for...

5 Benefits of Regular Pest Inspections for Your Home

When you own a home, certain jobs must be done to prevent far worse damage from occurring in the future. For example, if you hear a leaky pipe in the wall, no homeowner will just let it go until something catastrophic occurs just because they don’t want to deal with a...

Most Common Myths About House Mice

You've probably heard some exaggerated stories about certain tiny animals. You can find mice in different settings, including buildings and forests. It can be challenging to decide whether to flee as far away as you can from the intruders or to get closer so you can...

How to Get Rid of Pests in Your Home Fast

At one point or another, most homeowners or renters will deal with unwanted pests in their houses. From rats to cockroaches, unwanted visitors in your house can pose serious health risks, cause extensive damage to your house itself, and are overall an unpleasant sight...

Five Steps to Keep Rats Away From Your House Permanently

If you’ve noticed some of the tell-tale signs of a rat infestation in your house, it’s time to look into some rat control options. There are two main rat species that infest houses in North America, the roof rat and the Norway rat. Both species can carry harmful...

9 Places Where Rats Hide in Your House

Rats! The word alone sends shivers down our spine. Everyone hates these rodents, at least when they show up uninvited in your home. When you learn that rodents spread more than 30 different diseases, finding places where rats hide in your house becomes an issue you...

5 Tips When Hiring a Pest Control Company

Ants, rats, and cockroaches, oh my! If you’ve encountered any of these unwanted visitors in your house, it’s time to clear them out before they establish a colony and decide to become permanent unwanted guests. The best way to do this thoroughly, safely, and in a way...

How Often Should Pest Control Be Done at Your House?

It’s easy to overlook pest control as a critical part of taking care of a house, but without it, you can quickly find yourself in a situation where you are forced to expend far more time, money, and energy dealing with an established infestation. Just like other...